The European project ReHousIn: Reducing Housing Inequalities aims to spark innovative policy solutions towards inclusionary and quality housing.

Project Approach

Analyses the (re)production of housing inequalities, including the impact of green interventions, across 9 countries in Europe.

Conducts 27 in-depth case studies in metropolitan regions, medium-sized cities, and rural areas to explore housing inequalities and local initiatives addressing them.

Engages policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders through workshops, webinars, and policy labs to co-create effective strategies.

- Provide context-sensitive knowledge on the impacts of recent and ongoing crises as well as green transition initiatives on housing inequalities.
- Advance understanding of how housing inequalities affect vulnerable communities.
- Develop policy recommendations for mitigating negative social impacts and promoting affordable, sustainable housing.
Case Studies
ReHousIn conducts comprehensive case studies in nine countries across four European regions: Italy and Spain in southern Europe; Hungary and Poland in central-eastern Europe; Austria, France, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom in western Europe; and Norway in northern Europe.
In each country, ReHousIn will focus on three types of areas: metropolitan regions, medium-sized cities, and rural areas, analysing 27 cases in sum. The case studies will spotlight effective local initiatives to address housing inequalities and provide valuable insights for tailored policy recommendations.